An Open Letter to Walsall Council

An open letter to Walsall Council, asking for clarification on my current position as every avenue seems so litigated by red tape and endless forms. The battles I am currently fighting, just to have an equal opportunity at living a normal life.

Good afternoon

Following my conversation on 09/02/2023 with JonJo MacNemara, I am looking for some guidance of ways to help me with my disability and what Walsall Council could do to help.

I am in the process of sending some missing information on his DFG application so that I can be “means tested” to see if I am eligible for a grant for my property to make it safe for me to live here.

I was reviewed by the Occupational Therapist who advised I would need adaptations to my house and to apply for the grant.

However, in the meantime, I have spoken with them again about my deterioration and to see, as an interim measure, if I could get a stairlift fitted. I am now relying on my partner to physically push me up the stairs and also I am having more falls. I was told this wasn’t possible because they have recommended the adaptions to my house because this would be the long-term solution.  I totally understand I require adaptations, however, surely each case could be looked at individually and because of the timescale for these grants to be reviewed, and if agreed, is months away. 

My partner pointed out to the OT that I need to be able to get upstairs to bathe. She was told that if that was an issue I could go to Walsall Swimming baths or where homeless people use showers and shower there! How could this possibly be an answer to a disabled person who would need help to get showered at Walsall Baths, even if this is an option? As a working couple with a small child, this could not be an option anyway because my partner would have to support me with the showering. It seems absolutely absurd advice.  When I was told of this you can imagine my distress!

The same suggestion was backed by the Walsall physiotherapist at a recent appointment.  

I am asking if this could be reviewed and if this is Walsall Council policy that a disabled person goes outside of his home to wash?

This feels like disability discrimination and a stair lift would enable myself to keep working and therefore paying tax and not claiming additional benefits.

I am also asking if you could plead with Walsall Council regarding the upright walker that Birmingham Rehab have advised I need. My mobility problems at the moment mean that I cannot walk to the car etc without the small walker that I have, which really is not suitable. But we have been told I am not covered under Walsall Council for this item. It is frustrating when an upright walker is sitting in the stores of Birmingham Rehab and I can’t have it because it appears to be a postcode lottery.  Again, I can’t see how a Council policy on these items is one fits all, surely again, this could be looked at on an individual basis? 

This situation is having a real impact on my mental health. Every avenue I turn to is a battle including my PIP that I am now having to take through the tribunals process. My mental health is not only affected by this but not being able to get in and out of the house, Walsall Council are ignoring not only the physical impact of their decisions but also the mental and emotional. Not to mention the physical and emotional strain this puts on the whole family involved.

Thank you again, for taking the time to read regarding our frustrations, but we seem to be at a stalemate with Walsall Council.

Kind Regards,
Jonathan Kendall.


Daily confidence


Downfall of DFG