My name is Jonathan Kendall - Jonno to most. I have a condition called muscular dystrophy, specifically Limb Girdle 2B. It means I knew nothing of it for 23 years, but now I am constantly having to adapt to the new challenges it brings. Life certainly gets tough, but together, we can keep going.
Who am I
There has been a shift over the last couple of years. As my condition has progressed, its been an increasing lesson in finding ways to cope with it. I am hoping that by doing this blog, by continuing my gaming, and hopefully increasing my online presence, I can not only help other people in a similar situation but can help myself to process my everchanging situation.
Why do this
Making positive leaps by taking small steps.
Consistently taking small steps is the
only way to keep moving forward
Covid seemed to have many impacts on my health. Not just the virus itself but also the whole lockdown process. I will be talking through what impacts it had on me and why I think that is. How I was pre-lockdown vs how I am now.